Limited Representation

Limited Representation in Utah

I've received a number of 'free consultation' calls from persons needing help in their respective cases. Many potential clients do not have the means to pay a full retainer that would be used to further the case. The Utah Bar has issued opinions on attorney's helping those in need by either 1) appearing for a 'limited appearance' (which requires the scope of representation to be agreed upon by the attorney and client), or by 2) aiding a Pro Se litigant with drafting documents.

After evaluating many of the 'free consultations' that I've had over the past year, I have decided to offer some limited representation services within a limited scope of representation. These types of representation usually fall into the following categories:

-Reviewing Pro Se prepared documents and aiding in the drafting of uncontested (no contest divorces).

Many inquiries have been made by potential clients as to the ability to prepare their own divorce documents. 

-Representation in acquiring an ex-parte protective order (paperwork and getting it signed)

-Representation in defending against an ex-parte protective order (appearance at hearing in front of the commissioner)

-Representation at Temporary Orders in Divorce / Paternity

-Drafting initial Divorce Documents

-Drafting Motion on Order to Show Cause and Order

-Appearing on Motion on Order to Show Cause and Order

-Drafting and acquiring Temporary Restraining Order

-Drafting final Divorce Documents

-Representation in initial appearance for Violation of Protective Order

-Probate Representation

-Initial Appearance / Arraignments

-Office of Recovery Services / Administrative Hearings

-DMV hearings

My hourly rate is currently $350.00/hr (subject to change). There is a minimum 2.5 hour minimum billing for appearances to cover travel, preparation and, of course, the randomness of how long it actually takes to have the case heard once at the courthouse. Initial phone consulations (not longer than 15 minutes) are not charged. In office consulations are charged at my hourly rate with a minimum one (1) hour billable time.

Jeff D. Rifleman
