Criminal Law

Criminal Law in Utah

Family Law related Criminal Law matters come in all shapes and varieties from traffic tickets, assault to domestic violence tickets to protective order violations. Often these criminal offenses have a significant impact on an on-going divorce, paternity or child custody matter.

Given this overlap between Family Law, matters and Criminal Law matters, I have provided clients with representation in these types of criminal matters.

When selecting an attorney for these types of criminal matters, you should consider someone with the knowledge of family law so you can make sure that your actions in the criminal case will not have a negative effect on your desire to have custody or exercise visitation.

Attorney's Fees in criminal cases can be done on a "fix-fee" basis or on an hourly basis depending on the complexity of the case.

Fixed fees for these types of criminal cases run from $1,500.00 and up.

My minimum hourly rate for criminal matters is $385.00 per hour with a retainer of $2,500.00 paid at the time a representation agreement is executed by the client.